I always admire and am impressed by people who can maintain a positive attitude and put a positive spin on things even in the face of adverse circumstances. There is much of this quality on display daily at North High School.
These times of economic uncertainty have created a lot of stress and strain for our students, staff and community. Many families in our community have dealt with lost jobs, and changes in their financial circumstances. Some of our teachers face layoffs as the district struggles to make tough economic decisions in the face of reduced funding from the state. Our teachers and administrators are working without a contract in a tough climate to be negotiating wages and benefits. Despite all of this, each day I encounter students and teachers who have tremendous attitudes, and exhibit real grace under pressure.
Our teachers at North have a "kids first" approach, and our students have managed to maintain some youthful idealism that the world sorely needs. This week at North is Respect Awareness Week, and teachers and students have worked side by side to put together a program of activities, videos, announcements and recognitions that emphasize and honor respect for self and others. Teachers were given tickets to give out to students demonstrating respectful attitudes in the hall, that those students can enter into a raffle for prizes. All week I've seen great attitudes from staff and students alike.
It's kind of cliche to say that adversity reveals character, but like most cliches, there is a lot of truth there. In tough times and in good, we have a great school community with caring teachers, administrators and parents, and committed, idealistic, high-achieving students. Thanks to everyone who's part of making North a great place to be.