Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Vision 2020

Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that "People only see what they are prepared to see". Preparing our students to "see" in the future requires tremendous forethought and preparation. Detroit Country Day School has been engaged in a nearly year long process to develop the Strategic Plan that will guide the school through the next seven years. The mission of the Strategic Planning process has been to create a blueprint for the success of the school and our school's future for the next seven years and beyond, and has included input from all faculty, staff, administration, and from students and parents as well.

Two weeks ago, our Board of Trustees adopted the overarching one page Strategic Plan, Vision 2020. This one page document provides the philosophical underpinnings of our school and its future, and identifies our three pillars as Academics, Athletics and the Arts, with a foundation of Character as the base for all we do. Now that this document has been approved, our various constituent groups are working on the specific action plans that fall under each goal statement. These action plans are intended to be specific, actionable items with a pre-determined metric for success.

We are excited about the direction developed through the Strategic Planning Process, and look forward to the development of action plans to bring this comprehensive plan to reality.

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